Photoshop Shortcut Keys

Knowing Photoshop's most used shortcut keys will help you design faster. Here are some of them:

Ctrl + J == Duplicate a Layer

Ctrl + C == Copy

Ctrl + V == Paste

Ctrl + A == Selecting all the active layer content

Ctrl + D == Deselect Item

Ctrl + Z == Undo 

Ctrl + Alt + Z == Multiple Undo 

Ctrl + Shift + Z == Multiple Redo

Ctrl + R == Show Ruler grid

Ctrl + Shift + E == Merge all active Layers

V == Switch to Move tool (very helpful when you're using the lasso tool)

X == Switch foreground to background color and vice versa
Foreground / Background Color

These are the basic shortcut keys that you need as a beginner, as you use Photoshop more and more you'll discover more useful shortcut keys and apply them to your projects. Have fun!